Heart of Hogmanay
Join us for a heart centred new years eve celebration in the sound temple and our home, limited to 8 people.
Join us for a heart centred new years eve celebration in the sound temple and our home, limited to 8 people.
Welcome to our sunrise sound and cacao celebration of the Spring Equinox.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to an alchemy of sacred cacao and sacred sound.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to our new sound ceremonies for women including simple sound, movement and breath practises.
Welcome to a special concert for peace and hope with special guest musicians Andy and Sadie.
Join our solstice gathering with a moving sound mediation and sound journey.
Join our pre solstice gathering with a mediation, sound journey and a chance to share over tea.
Join our Dec NEW moon sound journey online.
A new Friday night meditation and sound journey.
Join our dark and new moon sound journeys online.
We are taking our Limehouse offering online for at least Nov.
A new moon inspired sound ceremony at ZedShed, Penryn.
Join our Oct NEW moon sound journey online.
We have four gong suppers planned at Limehouse yoga this year! Please do book early as these are really popular evenings.
Join our Oct full moon sound ceremony online.
Join our autumn equinox sound ceremony out in nature.
A new moon inspired sound ceremony at ZedShed, Penryn.
Join our Sept full moon sound ceremony online.
The first sound ceremony at ZedShed, Penryn since lockdown, hope you can join!
Join our July new moon sound ceremony online.
I will be collaborating with Inner Compass on a series of unique sensory events.
Delighted to be offering outdoor sound healing for small groups with social distancing from our home on the Lizard.
Join our July full moon sound ceremony online.
Delighted to be offering outdoor sound healing for small groups with social distancing from our home on the Lizard.