As we move into lockdown join me and Limehouse Yoga to connect for a heart centred sound journey where we invite qualities of inner guidance, wisdom or compassion. Through the magic of zoom we will facilitate 1.5hrs of sacred space - an opportunity to let the mind untangle from external stresses or looping worries. Instruments such as gongs and crystal bowls create a passive and persuasive space for deep relaxation or meditation. The brainwaves slow, consciousness expands. Meanwhile the body is rejuvenated, right down to the cellular level, as you contact your innate healing resources. Many people find that participating from the comfort of their own home allows them to let go on a deeper level.
We will be taking our offering online for the next month at least. Please book through Limehouse Yoga. On Friday morning you will receive details of how to join and optimise the sound quality. Please speak to us before booking if you are pregnant or have tinnitus, pace maker or recent metal implants from surgery.