Samhain gong puja - all night sound ceremony
We are so excited to offer three participative pujas this year, where those taking part in a gong playing workshop can take a turn at playing the gongs in this all night sound ceremony.
We are so excited to offer three participative pujas this year, where those taking part in a gong playing workshop can take a turn at playing the gongs in this all night sound ceremony.
We are so excited to offer two participative pujas this year, where those taking part in a gong playing workshop can take a turn at playing the gongs in this all night sound ceremony.
We are so excited to offer two participative pujas this year, where those taking part in a gong playing workshop can take a turn at playing the gongs in this all night sound ceremony.
We are so excited to offer a participative puja where those taking part in a gong playing workshop can take a turn at playing the gongs in this all night sound ceremony.
We are so excited to take the al night gong puja to the amazing surroundings of Limehouse yoga near Newquay. These special events are only offered a few times per year.