Week one content
You will find below the yoga practise as video and the sound journey audio which is also downloadable onto your device’s audio library e.g. itunes. The sound journey works best with headphones or decent speakers and ideally you have the volume at 50-70%, it really doesn’t have to be loud to be effective, in fact the body likes moderate volume.
A yoga practise focused on arriving, listening, interoception and asking ‘what do I need today’.
Deepening practise
From the sharing work that we did I recommend that you spend some time formulating an intention for these 7 weeks and writing or drawing it down. You could place the intention on your altar or in your journal.
Try to make a little time for daily practise. Sit for a few quiet moments, connect with your intention and ask yourself ‘what do I (or what does my mind, body, spirit) need today’. It is the making time to slow down and connect, the showing up for yourself that matters more than what you do on the mat…
As resources you already have the 50 mins yoga practise, a 25 mins sound journey and a 20 mins recorded meditation on the bonus content page.
You may be able to find 10 mins of some breath or movement that you enjoyed this week, maybe you revisit the sound journey every night before bed. You could watch sections of the above video each morning as practise ‘snacks’.
It is often helpful to create a space dedicated to practise or to introduce a small altar or using ritual to transform the space that you have available e.g. lighting a candle, using some incense or sage, sounding a bell.
This is a new beginning so take your time this week to enjoy and explore finding the rhythm that works for you in terms of what and when you practise; and most importantly what honours your needs at this time of transition. Often in this newness and honouring we meet resistance or obstacles, both from within and in terms of time and responsibilities, so just be gentle and know that it’s a process. Please be in touch if I can support you in any way. Namaste, blessed be.