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Solstice special sound journey, live stream

As the solstice approaches light is dominant, the sun brings joyful growth and dynamism to life. It's a yang time when we are drawn to celebration and community, being together out in nature. It's also a transition, a time to pause and honour the cycles within and around us. As above, so below. Transitions can of course be challenging, we see that around us right now. So, as ever, our intention is to hold a sound space in which you can just be, however you are feeling.

Andy and I love to offer healing sound together at the summer solstice and the mighty sun gong usually features prominently! This year we will be live streaming from our home and hope that our friends from all over the world will be able to join us online. We start with guided meditation and move into a sound journey of gongs, crystal bowls, hang drum, mantras and guitar. All are welcome.

  • Saturday 20th June 5am - 7am 

  • Contribution: £15 regular/ £12 concessions/ £25 for two people sharing a screen. Please don't let finances stop you joining and talk to me about the gift places that are always available 

  • Details of how to access the gathering and optimise your sound settings will be emailed beforehand - please book by 9pm Friday 19th June 

  • Please give yourself the best possible experience with headphones (wired), using a laptop/ PC if possible and creating a quiet space to receive.