Week seven content
You will find below the yoga practise as video and the sound journey audio which is also downloadable onto your device’s audio library e.g. itunes. The sound journey works best with headphones or decent speakers and ideally you have the volume at 50-70%, it really doesn’t have to be loud to be effective, in fact the body likes moderate volume.
45 mins recapping all the themes of our 7 weeks for integration.
Deepening practise
Please spend some time contemplating (sit with/ journal/ share with a friend) how you will build your learnings and realisations into your self care routine. It may be that some things take time and there is resistance (your own and of circumstances/ others around you) to work through. Some things we can implement immediately or start small and expand over time. Little and often of what you enjoy (in terms of practise) is usually more supportive than throwing ourselves in once a week when we feel depleted or under pressure to catch up. Let go of the ‘should’s’, be practical as well as totally visionary!!
Perhaps keeping some part of Weds evening as a sacred space for you is a good start. Some of the group plan to work their way back through the content, others may feel there is one practise or theme to really get deep into over time.
It may be that energies bubble to the surface after the course, especially over the potent time of solstice and of course time with family over xmas! As many of you said this is just a beginning or the unfolding of becoming. Know that you have the inner resources and tools to hold space for yourself but also trust yourself if something feels too much and you need to reach out. I am available to listen and can always recommend other therapists and practitioners. Take things slowly, eat well, REST well, do whatever brings you joy and nourishment.
Thank you so much for all you’ve shared and offered. Please remember the support of this container is always here and please keep in touch and let me know how it evolves for you.